Holy smokes we have learned a lot. I came into the class not thinking that I was going to have a lot more to learn but my expectations were clearly subverted. The problem that I have found with this profession is that there are too many options/resources to use and that it is hard to know which to choose. This class has done a great job demonstrating them and separating the wheat from the chaff. For example, during our EdTech conferences I was immediately drawn to the one option that I had no concept of: Sketch. Sketch turned out to be an introduction to block coding which opened up a whole new world of technology to me. This evolved into both my group inquiry project and into class time spent creating videogames.

For example, if you want to play a chaotic flappy bird check it out here.

I have been very happy to learn and expand my horizons here and I cannot express my thanks more for making me grow as a learner. This blog serves as a great resource for myself to look back on when I need ideas or wish to reference a way to critique new technologies that I come across.

Thank you rich

Photo by Howie R on Unsplash