For the sake of this inquiry, the term robots is going to be defined as a machine or series of circuitry that carries out complex actions after being programmed by a computer.

Block coding

-Block coding is a graphical interpretation of basic coding concepts. Several of our examples use them including Spheros and Microbits. Microbits ( do not require the physical robot specimen, one can simulate its use on the website itself. This allows you to have the L.E.Ds make any of several programmable shapes. This is a great way to provide a tangible result while learning how to use block coding.

For example, using block coding and the virtual microbit I was able to program the robot to generate a random emoticon when activated. As shown, there are a variety of different blocks that make the coding of such a device far more accessible than regular coding (though there is a javascript option for more advanced learners). This turns into less of an “essay” and more of a “fill-in-the-blank.” Using basic coding statements such as if/then or “set variable to” it creates a low floor, high ceiling way for students to learn the basics they may need if they choose to pursue interest in computer engineering or robotics. 

What are Spheros,Microbits and Raspberry Pi Coding?


  • Sphereos are smallmachines that are basically a programmable ball. They have a hard plastic casing that surrounds a motor, cpu, and LEDs. 
  • The really cool part about them is that they are a great way to introduce young students, grade 3+ to coding. Kids nowadays are getting introduced to technology at a younger and younger age to the point where it is just second nature to them. Showing them that they have the power to program basically a toy to move however they want is a great way to introduce them to this world of technology. 
  • I have volunteered at a camp called “engineering for kids” where very young students were taking the spheros and programming them to run obstacle courses and they all had so much fun. Would be a great tool to introduce to classrooms. 
  • The programming can be done on a tablet. 

This is Sphero BOLT

(Add anything you want Lee, or re-word anything)


  • As mentioned above, Microbits are a small programable robot that can be easily accessed
  • On the Microbit home page ( there are many examples of usage. One of particular interest is of a user who programmed their microbit to detect then to activate and deactivate a railway crossing using the device’s light sensor.
  • Other examples include being used to make more traditional moving machines by connecting the device to servos and motors such as this clip of an “inchworm” micro:bit – inchworm robot

Raspberry Pi + Lego 

  • Raspberry Pi is a type of coding that is also a great introduction. It shows all the different kinds of movements, speeds, directions, etc and labels them in a way that is very clear. You can easily stack these actions on top of each other to showcase one specific movement you would like. 
  • New Pi HAT: The Ultimate Raspberry Pi & LEGO Collab!
  • In this one class, we built obstacles that required a mix of lifting, manoeuvring, and stopping in order to complete. It was awesome to watch the students write down the code, test it out, come back to the testing to adjust. Overall a very fun day and all the students did not even realize they were coding. 
  • The level of ingenuity that went into the students problem solving was incredible to see at such a young age.   

Example lessons for each:

  • Depending on the grade levels, there are a few fun lessons that can we can do with the students.
  • With spheroes, we can first introduce the little robots to the class and allow them to come up with what they think they are. At this point, the students will have experience working with an tablet or computer because thats just the age we are in. 
  • After going through this, we can introduce the coding aspect that controls the robots and allow students to let them move how they like. 
  • After this, we can carefully design a course or a maze that the students will build themselves. 
  • Then, the students can code the spheros to run through the maze. This will teach them to be very precise with the coding and introduce the hardships of being off by a single variable when it comes to coding
  • When it comes to Microbits, there are several options as it is an incredibly versatile device 
  • One such option would be, while discussing temperature in science class, using simple block coding you can create independent thermometers for each student.
  • This can also serve as a great transition from block coding to Python as both are very simple functions to code as shown below
  • What is your technology inquiry question? (For example, What is the impact of screen time on children? How can one use Flipgrid in a classroom? What are some best practices in terms of copyright with regard to learning design?, etc.)
  • What is the relationship of your topic to teaching and learning?
  • What are the pros, cons, and risks?
    • Access
    • Expensive
    • Engaging
    • Easy to integrate into cross curricular learning 
  • What are some of the strategies, best practices, and tips regarding your inquiry findings?
    • Giving them the tools,
    • Hands off
  • Similar to Spheros, the Raspberry Pi lego can be done the same. Students will be allowed to BUILD the robot this time with the components available. Depending on the components, the bot is capable of doing different things. 
  • We can then design challenges that their robot has to accomplish, lifting a straw, pushing a block over, etc.
  • A thing that would be fun be to have the students design battle bots and have the compete