Though not aware of the concept by name, I have realized that I have been sketchnoting for years now, primarily through an organizational concept known as Bullet Journaling. A Bullet Journal is a modular organizational tool that can be tailored to the user’s needs. In my case, I use it primarily for keeping track of school work. Though my sketching is minimal, using geometry and small amounts of art decidedly helps me to keep things organized and memorable. If you would like to find out more about bullet journaling, there is a playlist of videos by the creator here.

An Example of Bullet Journaling from Spring Semester 2020

As you can see above, I used colour coding to connect information to the graphic and the graphic makes it clear exactly when my classes were at the time. In addition, I used washi tape (paper tape) as a divider, making information more clearly differentiated. Washi tape was also used in the top left corner as a way to bookmark the page for easy reference. I am a big proponent of this technique, I probably wouldn’t have graduated without it.