In order to best give each skill time to develop, I will be going through each skill sequentially. This week we have moved to cardistry, a skill largely utilized by magicians but with some devoted followings on Tiktok and Instagram. Cardistry is the art of card flourishing, probably the most iconic representation of which is known as “the Spring.” It was developed in the 19th century as a way to distract or misdirect a magician’s audience.

An example of the spring provided by

Personally, I was enamored with the skill by several magician movies such as The Prestige, and Now You See Me. Additionally I loved watching street magic from people like Chris Angel “The Mind Freak.” These days I have been watching Youtube videos, specifically by a Canadian magician and cardist Chris Ramsey whom I have referenced in a past post. I used to be quite good at the tricks presented bellow but have grown rusty as of late. Here are my practiced versions of a three pack “Z-cut,” a onehanded cut, and a card toss. They are not perfect of course but I have enjoyed picking the skill back up. The last time I properly practiced these was probably early 2020 so.