Juggling, a skill perfected by entertainers since Ancient Egypt according to this Wikipedia article. There are apparently many ways to juggle and of course many items that it can be done with. The only way that I knew of how to juggle is apparently known as a “3 ball cascade” wherein the juggler tosses three objects in a sort of X shape, catching and releasing. What I had thought was juggling in my childhood was not. I used to toss one object into the air and quickly switch the other to my other hand. This was more of a complex changing of hands more than anything else. You can see bellow how lackluster such a movement is.

In fact, I didn’t even think about trying to learn to juggle again until just this January when we stared our Physical Health Education course and were taught the rudiments of how to juggle. Now I am sure that it has become clear but I love learning odd skills that are largely for entertainment value more than any real world application, and this is no exception. However, I have found that juggling is a skill kids of all ages can benefit from. It greatly increases hand-eye coordination as well as multitasking. It’s been an arduous journey but there is some improvement.